1╛лэ Title : The Galaxy Moons 2 Callisto 19 Date Finished : 6/19/96 Author : Kevin Lee E-mail Address : klee700370@aol.com Description : Single player level =========================================================================== Format :D2 Level # : 1 Single Player : Yes Co-Op : No Anarchy : No * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Build Time : 25+ Hours Editor(s) used : Devil v2.1g D2 configuration Known Bugs : None * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use this level, or any part thereof, as a base to build additional levels, without prior consent of this author. You MAY distribute this level, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute these files in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. =========================================================================== This my first level for descent 2 . It is a learning experiance. I started out using D1 format then converted the level over to D2. Thanks to Interplay,Achmin, and the Devil mail list. Anyway, here it is, hope you enjoy it. Please send any and all comments and suggestions to: klee700370@aol.com ase to build additАэw,7 ` ,, ╟@жяє&`Ы я└ея<`ЙEя E0b`B`шb`▓L`J`B`,,ш``│з b`▓7з ю╚╚╬`,╫+,EАн  ╚  ▐    (  *  w  У  ▒  ╨  ▐  ю  Ё      6  P  А  а  ╢  ╢╘  ╓  ╪  ї  ў  @  z  |  ┴    I  R  T  б  ╚  )  +  .  f  h  hj  Х  Ч  Щ  ╙  ╒  э  я  ┴    I  R  T  б  ╚  )  +  .  f  h   ArialDevil mail list. Anyway, here it is, hope you enjoy it. Please send any and all comments and sug